World Council of Churches Central Committee Asks the US and Other Refractory Governments to Ratify International Criminal Court Statue
The Rev. Nathan Wilson: Religious Values Ought To Make Our Political Discourse More Honest

United Church of Christ Back On The Air

BouncerslentThe United Church of Christ announced today that the denomination will again run advertising on national television as Easter approaches.  During Advent the UCC ran a well received ad that featured bouncers, like those seen at trendy nightclubs, standing outside a church. As people try and enter for Sunday services the bouncers are seen deciding who gets into church and who doesn’t. The bouncers exclude anyone who doesn’t fit the definition of the “normal” Christian. Then the screen fades to the message "Jesus didn't turn anyone away and neither does the United Church of Christ." At the end of the commercial there is a group of diverse people standing together at the entrance of the church. It symbolizes the openness which our denomination strives for.  Controversy erupted after CBS and NBC refused the run the ad.  This will be the same ad running during the rest of Lent.  Click here to view the spot.  Contributions are still needed to pay for the campaign.  Click here to donate.  Your contribution can help keep a progressive view of Christianity on the air.
