Last week the United Church of Christ announced that the denomination would start advertising on blogs to help get the church's "God Is Still Speaking" message out to the public. The UCC's Bob Chase reports below that blogs are even offering to run the ad for free and now there is an easy way to download the code for your web site or blog:
Bloggers Come Through Again
Posted by Rev. Robert Chase, 3/11/2005 09:13:00 AM
While the UCC has received some great feedback throughout the blogoshere for our blogad campaign, such as comments on, Henry at Blogads and a great post by David Corn, I have been particularly moved by the bloggers that came knocking on our door asking to run the ad for free on their websites.
The first the requests came from bloggers within the UCC family, including Chuck Currie, a UCC Seminarian who blogs at and Pastordan a UCC minister who blogs at
At the urging of these bloggers and Roger Harkness who posted a comment that he would like to post it to his blog at we went ahead and created a page for bloggers to copy the code and add the blog to their sites.
Since then we have seen the ad starting to appear throughout the blogosphere from blogs such as ,, and
Thank you, thank you and thank you. It is exciting to be a part of what David Corn calls this "historic blog campaign." Those who seek to control the airwaves have a whole new force to contend with! And, as the saying goes, "may the force be with you."
The Rev. Robert Chase
Director of Communication
United Church of Christ
ps - To add the ad to your own site visit