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Iraq War and Beyond

South Carolina Church Opposes Anti-Gay Constitutional Amendment

The South Carolina legislature – a governmental body with a long history of opposing equal rights – is getting read to make another historic mistake. Members of the Circular Congregational Church in Charleston e-mailed me this week with information on an anti-gay marriage state constitutional amendment that has already passed the House and is now being considered in the Senate – without the benefit of public hearings. Circular Congregational Church is an Open and Affirming congregation of the United Church of Christ and their members have voted as a church to oppose this legislation. A group of Christians and Jews organized by the South Carolina Alliance for Full Acceptance have also issued a statement that reads they “affirm the inherent equality, worth and dignity of South Carolina's Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender citizens. Our faith not only permits, but requires that we acknowledge that all people are equal in God's eyes.” Gays and lesbians face an uphill battle in their quest for equality. Let us pray for those willing to oppose discrimination in all forms.

Related Post:  Homosexuality and the Bible
