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Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger of Germany Now Pope Benedict XVI

Breaking News

RatzingerCardinal Joseph Ratzinger of Germany has been named Pope Benedict XVI of the Roman Catholic Church. He is a polarizing figure within Christian circles who has showed distain for other denominations. This week he delivered a sermon before the Cardinals where he restated some of his most conservative beliefs.


A staunchly conservative figure within the church, Ratzinger, from Bavaria, was the longtime leader of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which oversees Roman Catholic Church orthodoxy, up until his resignation in April 2005. He is known for his tough and often controversial statements on topics such as homosexuality, which he called “objectively disordered,” and the validity of other Christian denominations.

This new Pope will have to earn the respect of Christians outside the Roman Catholic tradition.

Visit this site later for additional information and reaction.

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