Truth-challenged conservative activist David Horowitz is attacking the United Church of Christ for considering proposals related to divestment from Israel. He falsely claims the resolutions that will be considered this summer have already been adopted. Horowitz writes:
The Association of University Teachers in Britain has announced a boycott of Israeli universities because Jews in Israel have the temerity to want to resist Palestinian terrorists who are trying to obliterate them. The United Church of Christ has announced its support of the boycott. Shades of the Thirties. What decent human being, regarding the 50 year Arab war to expunge the Jewish presence from the Middle East, would not be revolted by these anti-Semitic English academics and their supporters in the United Church of Christ?
His source for the misleading information? UCCtruths, of course. UCCtruths is a small group of individuals – many of whom belong to other denominations – committed to defaming the UCC. It comes as no surprise that such undistinguished Americans as Horowitz (a man who equates progressivism with terrorism) use their site as a reference.
Are the resolutions being considered anti-Semitic? No. They do, however, target the pro-war policies of the governing Likud party. There is a huge difference between being anti-Semitic and anti-war.
Click here to learn more about the resolutions under consideration.
Link: MOONBAT CENTRAL: The revival of British and Christian Anti-Semitism.