Disciples nominate new leader
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), a 770,000 member denomination, has nominated a new general minister and president to be voted on during their General Assembly to be held in Portland, Oregon in July. Sharon E. Watkins is an Oklahoma minister and lifelong Disciple. She is the current senior pastor of Disciples Christian Church in Bartlesville, Okla. Disciples World has the full story of her selection on their web site. Watkins would be the first women to serve in this capacity.
Members of the United Church of Christ should always take notice of events in the life of the Disciples of Christ because of our special relation. From UCC.org:
In 1989 the United Church of Christ and the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) approved a historic partnership of full communion. The two churches proclaimed mutual recognition of their sacraments and ordained ministry.
Though remaining two distinct denominations, the UCC and Disciples have committed through their partnership to seek opportunities for common ministry, especially where work together will enhance the mission of the church.
The partnership is a unique experiment in U.S. ecumenism. In every setting of the two churches, UCC members and Disciples are serving Christ side by side. There are now more than 30 "federated" congregations affiliated with both denominations, and it is now common for Disciples and UCC ministers to serve congregations of the other denomination. The Common Global Ministries Board, formed by the UCC's Wider Church Ministries and the Disciples' Division of Overseas Ministries, unites the international mission work of the two churches.
Click here to learn more about the UCC- Disciples ecumenical partnership