Fight The Republican's "Shameful Declaration Of Religious War"
Sunday, April 17, 2005
Angry about Senator Bill Frist’s plans to take part in a fundamentalist Christian rally that declares Democrats are “against people of faith” for opposing George W. Bush’s court appointments? So are a lot of people.
The New York Times called Frist’s participation in the rally a “shameful declaration of religious war” on the part of the Republican Senate Majority Leader. The Washington Post declared that Frist’s participation would be a “distressing new low in the debased debate over judges.” The Klan-like rally being planned by the religious right is a gross distortion of Christianity.
You can send a letter to your Senators voicing objection to this attack on American principles of democracy. Click here to do so (thanks to the Shalom Center).
The Rev. Daniel Schultz, a United Church of Christ clergy member who writes the blog Faith Forward, is also collecting stories from people who want to share with the Republican leadership their own stories of faith. “It is time for us to state, simply and directly, that we can affirm faith while disagreeing with the Republican legislative agenda,” he writes.
Visit here on Monday for a statement on this issue from the National Council of Churches USA and more reaction.