The United Church of Christ has adopted the “comma” as a symbol of our theology as part of the UCC’s “God Is Still Speaking Campaign.” Comedian Gracie Allen is credited with saying: “Never place a period where God has placed a comma.” What does that mean? For many of us in the UCC it means that God still has more to say to us than just that which was written in the Bible. Over 400 people gathered this weekend on the Eden Theological Seminary campus to celebrate the success of that campaign by forming the world’s largest human comma. The UCC’s effort has drawn considerable media attention and resulted in many visitors to UCC congregations across the country.
Liz and I were there with the twins.
Fellow Oregonian and Eden student Scott Elliot was there with his daughter Forest. Even Pastor Dan's parents were on campus for the event. It was a fun time. The credit for putting everything together (and for the comma photo) goes to the good folks with the St. Louis Association of the UCC.