Statement From The Rev. John Thomas, General Minister and President Of The United Church of Christ, On The Selection Of Cardinal Ratzinger As Pope Benedict XVI
Not All Roman Catholics Happy With Choice Of Ratzinger As New Pope

"Has the Religious Right Gone Off the Deep End?" is offering another opportunity for us to send letters to members of the US Senate protesting Republican Majority Leader Bill Frist's decision to take part in a political rally (put together by the religious right) charging those who disagree with President's Bush judicial picks as being "people against faith." Click here to send your letter.

And Clergy and Laity Network sends along this message:


You are invited to a Public Gathering of Progressive Religious Communities and Progressive Community Groups:

2:30 PM Sunday Afternoon, April 24

Central Presbyterian Church 318 W. Kentucky St. (the corner of Kentucky St. and 4th St.) Louisville, Kentucky Phone: (502) 587-6935

Progressive Religious Communities, our leaders and our community friends are gathering to witness:

OUR OUTRAGE over the attempt by the Family Research Council and its radical Christian Right colleagues to highjack the judicial selection process for their politiclal/theocratic agenda

OUR DISMAY Senate Majority Leader, Senator Bill Frist, is lending his name and influence to the Family Research Council's claim of universal support from "people of faith" for its strategy, thereby giving false religious credentials to a thinly veiled political agenda

OUR POSITIVE COMMITMENT to defend and strengthen our social context in its commitment to fairness for all people, free of biased religious doctrines and prejudiced attitudes which are inimical to a mature religious understanding of the standards of inclusiveness and justice in American life AMONG THE SPEAKERS:

• Rev. Dr. Nancy Jo Kemper, Executive Director, Kentucky Council of Churches

• Rev. Dr. Robert Franklin, Professor, Emory University, Atlanta, former President, Interdenominational Theological Center, ordained minister, Church of God in Christ

• Rev. Dr. Joan Brown Campbell. Director, Department of Religion, Chautauqua Institution, Chautauqua, New York

• Emily Whitehurst, Director of the 100 year old ecumenical council in Austin, Texas

• Rev. Dr. Albert M. Pennybacker, Chair and Executive Officer, Clergy and Laity Network (CLN), former NCCC Associate General Secretary for Public Policy, former Professor, Lexington (KY) Theological Seminary

• Local and State Religious Leaders Please share this invitation with progressive people For more information please visit Clergy and Laity Network (, DriveDemocracy ( or Building the Beloved Community (

Related Post: Justice Sunday: Bill Frist & The Religious Right Go Nuclear

Related Post: Statement by The Rev. Robert Edgar, General Secretary of the National Council of Churches USA, On "Justice Sunday"
