Statement by The Rev. Robert Edgar, General Secretary of the National Council of Churches USA, On "Justice Sunday"
Monday, April 18, 2005
A few days ago I contacted Bob Edgar and asked if he would write something that could be posted on this site in reference to the plans by Senator Bill First and the Family Research Council to hold a rally where Democrats will be portrayed as being "against people of faith" because of their opposition to a small number of Bush court appointments. Rev. Edgar provided an excellent statement. Please send it around to your friends. Thanks, Chuck Currie.
Response for Chuck Currie Blog:
We are both surprised and grieved by the Family Research Council and Senator Bill Frist’s involvement in organizing a campaign in which they claim that those who disagree with them on President Bush’s judicial nominees are "against people of faith." This campaign, which they are calling "Justice Sunday," should properly be called "Just-Us" Sunday. To claim -- as they do -- a narrow, exclusive, private lock on God's Truth is a divisive and malicious tactic. It serves only to further polarize our country and demonize people who hold beliefs that differ from theirs. They have clearly gone too far.
America is a democracy, where everyone is entitled to a personal opinion. To suggest that Democrats, or any other group of people, are "anti-Christian" simply because they differ on political issues runs counter to the values of our faith and our Constitution. The National Council of Churches encompasses more than 45 million Christians who are committed to work together on issues important to our society. If they disagree with Senator Frist, are these 45 million believers now considered "anti-Christian"?
We believe that God has called all Christians to a ministry of reconciliation not fragmentation, of edification not destruction. In the spirit of 1 Timothy 6:3-5, we urge Senator Frist and the Family Research Council to reconsider this action. We call on them to truly promote "justice" this Sunday, April 24, not "just-us." We will be praying for them with the hope that the Lord will minister to them and change their hearts so that they will not continue to go down this destructive path.
Bob Edgar, General Secretary, National Council of Churches USA
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