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Pentecost "Day of Action" Against Poverty: The One Campaign


Have you joined The One Campaign?

Church World Service has:

The mission of the One Campaign is to advocate for U.S. policies that will help transform the lives of our neighbors throughout the world struggling to overcome poverty and disease. The Campaign addresses issues of aid to impoverished countries, debt cancellation and fair trade.

One in five people globally lives in extreme poverty, on less than $1 a day. Each night one in seven goes to bed hungry. A billion people lack clean, safe drinking water. More than 38 million people are infected with HIV/AIDS. Every day more than 28,000 children under the age of five die needlessly from preventable and treatable poverty-related illnesses. Each one has a name, a face, and family and friends who love them.

Many caring people of faith give generously through Church World Service and other humanitarian organizations to help end the living nightmare of extreme poverty. Advocating for U.S. government action can multiply these efforts and help transform entire societies.

You can help spread the world about The One Campaign next Sunday during Pentecost.

The biblical account of Pentecost concludes with these powerful words:

All who believed were together and had all

things in common; they would sell their

possessions and goods and distribute the

proceeds to all, as any had need.

- Acts 2:44-45

Today, many people worldwide continue to live in need due to extreme poverty. Pentecost is a time to remember that as Christians we are called to respond to the needs of the poor. Starting May 15, Global Call to Action Against Poverty and the ONE Campaign are encouraging the wearing of “white bands” in solidarity with the world's poor, and campaign to eradicate poverty.

Click here to download the Pentecost "Day of Action" Against Poverty bulletin insert and make sure it is used in your congregation.

Want to learn more?  Watch the video.
