Articles of Faith: Biblical Values for American Families by The Rev. Dr. Jay Emerson Johnson
Stranded In Salt Lake City

The Sins of Scripture by John Shelby Spong

SinsofscriptureOne of my recent purchases at the Eden Bookstore was John Shelby Spong’s The Sins of Scripture. Spong retired as the Episcopal bishop of Newark in 2000 and has taught at Harvard Divinity School and the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley. He has previously written the best-selling Rescuing the Bible from Fundamentalism and several other books. published an interview this week with Spong discussing The Sins of Scripture. Make sure you read the interview. The book itself is well written and accessible to all types of people and Spong offers insightful biblical commentary. A great Sunday school class could be put together around this book.  I may try and put together such a course myself.
