Congressman John Hostettler Accuses Democrats Of "Demonizing Christians"; Forced To Retract Remarks
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
A resolution which would have placed Congress on record opposing "coercive and abusive religious proselytizing" at the Air Force Academy brought the following response from John Hostettler (R-Indiana):
Mr. Chairman, the long war on Christianity in America continues today on the floor of the United States House of Representatives.
But like a moth to a flame, Democrats can't help themselves when it comes to denigrating and demonizing Christians.
Hostettler's remarks are simply despicable, degrade the strong faith of the many religious Democrats in Congress, and totally misrepresent the views of Democrats who value the religious pluralism in our nation.
The congressman was forced to retract his remarks. He did not, however, actually apologize for making them.
Proselytizing at the Air Force Academy is a serious concern. A chaplain on campus, for example, has been accused of instructing “cadets to try to convert classmates by warning that they ‘will burn in the fires of hell’ if they do not accept Christ.” Jewish students and mainline Christians have complained about the abusive behavior. Click here to learn more.
Last year people associated with the president’s campaign claimed democrats planned to ban the Bible. Senate Republican Majority Leader Bill Frist took part in a rally sponsored by the religious right this spring in which Democrats who opposed the president’s judicial nominees were accused of being “against people of faith.”
These Republicans continue to misuse the Christian faith for their own partisan political purposes and in the process seem to confuse Jesus’ teachings with their own personal lust for power.