When Guilty Is Good
"Supreme Court Vacancies: Bush Should Choose Consensus Not Confrontation"

Feedback From Readers

Not everyone who writes into this web site posts their comments. Some people simply send me an e-mail expressing their thoughts. Tonight I thought I'd give you - the readers of this blog - a chance to see a little of the feedback I'm getting (good and bad).

I found your blog while searching for articles about Brett Kavanaugh, one of the current administration's nominees to the D.C. Circuit. (I agree completely with your assessment.) I've been reading blogs for over 2 years, and yours strikes me as one the finest and most thoughtful I've seen. I look forward to reading it regularly.

- June 19, 2005

As a Christian, I forgive you.

- June 14, 2005

If this is your Dribble. We can see why you are so upset with the Minute man project. They are raining on your Pocket book. You have aligned yourself with one Morris Dees. Now that is a virtuous man. Yeah right. The two of you are of the same small minded Pea brained why of thinking. I am neither part of any White Supremacist group or any anti-immigration group. In fact I work, as a pastor, with inner city minorities in East L.A. and Sepulveda CA for 21 years. I worked with Illegals and legals alike. Even they know that this latest crop of illegals is different. Unlike the Two of you I had to work in contruction to maintain my lifestyle and support my ministry. My hands are not Baby-but soft. I think that your main concern is that the minute men may take away your source of identity. That would be to bad. Change your focus

- June 11, 2005

My wife and I joined FCUCC a couple of weeks ago. We moved to Portland last year from Virginia, and while we were looking for a new church, I ran across your posting:


which really encouraged me to check it out. It was really hard for us to find somewhere that expressed Christianity the same way we do, so thanks for the help.

- June 8, 2005

You and your site are a disgrace to the Christian Faith. If you are representative of United Church of Christ seminarians, then I can only conclude that you're denomination is doomed. I'll be praying that you and your ilk won't be able to lead too many people astray. Feel free to go ahead and banish me from your site, but don't worry as I won't be back.

- June 7, 2005

Last year my wife and I decided to return to church, but could not bring ourselves to go back to the Unitarian denomination. After some research we came to what was basically a coin-flip between UCC and the Episcopalians.

Well, the Episcopalians won that flip—but I’ve been noticing the great work you guys have been doing ever since. Don’t get me wrong, I love the Episcopalian church (we are being confirmed this weekend), including its liturgy and relatively liberal philosophy. But UCC has been so dynamic with the “God is Still Speaking” campaign, the commercials and the continued political involvement you note on your web page.

I’m sorry you will be leaving St. Louis when you finish at Eden Seminary. I’m glad to know you were here.

- May 13, 2005

I stumbled upon your website and simply couldn't believe what I had found -- a religious blog that actually promotes tolerance, progressive ideas, compassion and liberal thoughts and ideas. The mainstream media simply refuses to represent those who call for such dialogue in society.

Deep down, I truly believe that God is all about love. And we simply need to remember what it means to love eachother again. Thanks for making my day.

- May 11, 2005

I have long regarded the Religious Right as just short of FASCIST in their approach to dogmatizing American government and policy. Keep up the good work; you are touching people and connecting with thousands you'll never see.

- May 10, 2005
