Religious Leaders Urge Congress to Declare That War in Iraq is Not Open-ended
Saying Good-Bye To Friends

New Dates for the Break the Silence Bus Tour

Action Alert from Clergy and Laity Network

The second phase of the Break the Silence Bus Tour will kick-off Sunday evening, June 12 in Chicago, at the Rainbow-Push Headquarters. The full details are below.

If you would like to volunteer to be part of the a local host committee please contact Zev Kanter, our Washington Coordinator.

Bus Tour Day 1: Sunday, June 12
Chicago, IL -
2:00 PM event, 4:00 PM rally and bus tour sendoff at Rainbow Push Headquarters, 930 E. 50th St., Chicago

Bus Tour Day 2: Monday, June 13
Indianapolis, IN - 11:30 AM rally at Central Christian Church,

701 N. Delaware, Indianapolis

Lexington, KY - 6:30 PM rally at Red Mile Club, Red Mile Road, Lexington

Bus Tour Day 3: Tuesday, June 14
Columbus, OH - 11:30 AM rally location TBD

Pittsburgh, PA - 7:00 PM rally at Holy Cross Episcopal Church,
7507 Kelly St., Pittsburgh

Bus Tour Day 4: Wednesday, June 15
Cleveland, OH - 4:30 PM rally at First United Methodist Church,
3000 Euclid, Cleveland, OH

The Bus Tour will energize and rally the progressive people of faith against a government that pursues war instead of peace, abandons a stewardship of the environment and repudiates economic justice for the poor, while creating a group of local  interfaith leaders who will develop an ongoing local progressive religious presence in politically important states.

Possible and invited speakers include: Rev. Jesse Jackson Sr., Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, Senator Barack Obama, U.S. Representative Maxine Waters, Lexington Mayor Theresa Isaac, Kentucky State Representative Kathy Stein, Dr. Glenn Hinson, and Cleveland Mayor Jane Campbell.

Check back here soon to find updated information on Bus Tour stops and dates. Or you can visit Building the Beloved Community or DriveDemocracy for the latest on the bus tour.
