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Religious Rights Gears Up For 2008 Elections

"Supreme Court Vacancies: Bush Should Choose Consensus Not Confrontation"

There is an awful good chance that President Bush will be afforded his first opportunity to make an appointment to the United States Supreme Court this summer. People for the American Way is urging the president to choose consensus and not confrontation when making such an appointment:

President Bush will face the choice of whether to honor the spirit of bipartisan cooperation that emerged in the Senate to avert the nuclear option – and follow the precedent set when each of his three most recent predecessors made their first Supreme Court selection – and nominate someone who will be supported by most senators in both political parties, or to heed the demands of his party’s ideologues and embroil the nation in further partisanship, controversy and division, distracting the country from other pressing issues. For the good of the country and the Supreme Court, President Bush should choose bipartisan consensus over confrontation.

Click here to read the full statement.

Hold on to your seats. This could be a wild summer.

Related Post:  Deal Kills "Nuclear Option" Supported By Religious Right; Allows More Bush Nominees To Move Forward
