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We Affirm Our Belief in the One God: A Statement Regarding Muslim-Christian Perspectives on the Nuclear Weapons Danger

We affirm our belief in the One God, the Creator and Sustainer of the universe.

We agree that the Christian and Muslim traditions are unambiguous on the sanctity of human life and on the protection of all forms of creation, including the environment. We believe in the dignity of all human beings and their roles as trustees and humble custodians of the earth and their responsibility for the needs of future generations.

We believe that chemical, biological and particularly nuclear weapons do not discriminate between combatants and non-combatants and inevitably destroy innocent human life, even as they destroy other forms of life such as animals and vegetation, cause irrevocable damage to the environment for many generations to come and cause human suffering and disease. Therefore, we hold that these weapons are contrary to our religious and ethical principles.

We agree that the ideal response to the nuclear threat is a total and universal ban on all such weapons, including low yield tactical nuclear weapons, their development, production, possession, acquisition, deployment, use, and the threat of use. We hold further that any weakening of the nuclear "Non-Proliferation Treaty" is a setback for world peace.

We agree that all nations, without exception, must abide by international treaties, agreements and other international covenants of which they are signatories.

We further agree that the possession of nuclear weapons is an unacceptable risk for the human community in these times and is a continuing threat to the entire planet and its fragile ecosystem. The risk of theft of nuclear weapons or materials by non-state actors for nuclear terrorism as well as the continuing risk of accidental use of nuclear weapons by nation states themselves makes even the possession of nuclear weapons a danger to God’s creation.

We agree that the enormous resources spent on nuclear weapons can be put to much better use to deal with the problems of poverty, disease and ignorance and to promote a peaceful pluralistic civil society, free of hate and prejudice.

We encourage engagement on the part of civil society in the debate and policy making decisions relating to nuclear weapons.

We therefore believe that the common position held by both of our traditions, expressed as the sanctity of human life, leads us inexorably to say that the only real security for the world and the most responsible position for people of faith in our two traditions is to call upon the United States and other countries of the world to, gradually and in a verifiable manner, finally eliminate these weapons from the face of the earth.


  • Organizations are listed for identification purposes only.

Dr. Asma Afsaruddin, Muslim
Associate Professor, Dept. of Arabic & Islamic Studies, University of Notre Dame
Sadida Athaullah, Muslim
Board of Directors, Muslim Peace Fellowship
Dr. Jamal Badawi, Muslim
Islamic Society of North America
Rev. Kay C. Barckley, United Methodist
Deacon, University Temple United Methodist Church, Seattle, WA
Rev. Lawrence R. Bolick, United Church of Christ
Director of Spiritual Life, Abernethy Laurels of United Church Homes and Services of Southern Conference UCC, Newton, NC
Dr. Rita Nakashima Brock
Director, Faith Voices for the Common Good
Chuck Currie, United Church of Christ
Seminarian, Central Pacific Conference UCC, Portland, OR
Rev. Bob Edgar
General Secretary, National Council of Churches
Mohamed Elsanousi, Muslim
Director of Communications and Community Outreach, Islamic Society of North America
Dr. Muneer Fareed, Muslim
Associate Professor, Dept. of Near Eastern & Asian Studies, Wayne State University
Dr. Neal F. Fisher, United Methodist
President Emeritus and Senior Scholar in Theology, Garrett-Evangelical Theolgical Seminary
Rev. Dr. Donald P. Flick, United Church of Christ
Taylorsville, North Carolina
Rev. Barbara Green, Presbyterian
Executive Director, Churches' Center for Theology and Public Policy
Rev. Debra Haffner, Unitarian Universalist
Dr. Scott Haldeman, Presbyterian
Assistant Professor of Worship, Chicago Theological Seminary
Rabia Terri Harris, Muslim
Coordinator, Muslim Peace Fellowship
Imam Yahya Hendi, Muslim
Muslim Chaplain, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C
Dr. James E. Hug, S.J., Roman Catholic
President, Center of Concern
Dr. Mahdi Ibn-Ziyad, Muslim
Founder of the Africana Islamic Institute, Camden, New Jersey
Dr. Sherman Jackson, Muslim
Professor of Arabic and Islamic Studies, Dept. of Near Eastern Studies University of Michigan
Dr. Ted Jennings, United Methodist
Professor of Biblical and Constructive Theology, Chicago Theological Seminary
Dr. Nazir Khaja, Muslim
Chairman, Islamic Information Service, CA
Rev. Richard Killmer, Presbyterian
Program Director, Churches' Center for Theology and Public Policy
Dr. Charles Kimball, Baptist
Professor of Comparative Religion, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC
Rev. Brenda Bartella Peterson, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Pastor, Washington, DC
Ibrahim M. Abdil-Mu'id Ramey, Muslim
Director of the Disarmament Program, Fellowship of Reconciliation
Anna Rhee, United Methodist
Board of Directors, Churches’ Center for Theology and Public Policy
Dr. Louay Safi, Muslim
Executive Director, Islamic Society of North America
Muhammad Shafiq, PhD, Muslim
Imam/Executive Director, Islamic Center of Rochester, NY and Executive Director, Center for Interfaith Studies and Dialogue, Nazareth College, Rochester, NY
Dr. Muzammil H. Siddiqi, Muslim
Chairman, Fiqh Council of North America
Bishop Walter F. Sullivan, Roman Catholic
President of the Board of the Churches' Center for Theology and Public Policy
Rabbi Daniel Swartz, Jewish
Family Educator, Temple Shalom, Chevy Chase, MD
Rev. Dr. Susan Brooks Thistlethwaite, United Church of Christ
President and Professor of Theology, Chicago Theological Seminary
John H. Thomas, United Church of Christ
General Minister and President, United Church of Christ
Rev. Dr. E. Valentin-Castanon, United Methodist
Director of Civil and Human Rights, UMC General Board of Church and Society
Joe Volk, Religious Society of Friends
Executive Secretary, Friends Committee on National Legislation
Dr. Jim Walsh
Executive Director, Managing the Atom, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
Peter Weiderud, Church of Sweden
Director, Commission of the Churches on International Affairs, World Council of Churches
Rev. Nathan D. Wilson, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Minister, Clintonville Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Paris, KY
Dr. Christine Wing, Presbyterian
Member of South Presbyterian Church, Dobbs Ferry, NY

Add Your Endorsement

Religious leaders of all faiths are invited to endorse this statement. While it was originally developed by Christians and Muslims, leaders of other faiths are invited to join them in affirming the principles expressed in the statement. To endorse the statement, click here.
