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Licensed Ministry In The United Church of Christ

The St. Louis Association of the United Church of Christ has recently granted me standing as a licensed minister in the denomination.

“Licensed ministry is a form of ministry in the United Church of Christ created by the adoption of 1983–1984 amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws of the United Church of Christ. While replacing the category of lay minister, licensed ministry continues this form of ministry but establishes much more comprehensive requirements and standards for it. Licensed ministry is a form of ministry in and on behalf of the Church for which ecclesiastical authorization is required,” states the UCC’s Manual on Ministry. “By definition, a licensed minister performs specified duties in a designated local church or within an Association, mainly preaching and conducting services of worship.” Licensed ministers can also be authorized to administer the sacraments.

Most often licensed ministers are assigned to serve small congregations that are unable to call ordained clergy. However, seminarians preparing for ordination are sometimes granted this standing while serving a local congregation. The license allows the seminarian the opportunity to participate in a fuller range of ministerial duties. The congregation benefits by having another person authorized to conduct all the aspects of ministry.

My tenure as a licensed minister in the UCC will end in December when I finish seminary and return to Oregon seeking a call to ordained ministry.

You can learn more about ministry in the UCC by visiting
