Minutemen, Nuking Muslim Holy Sites and Posing As OSHA: Immigration In The Hot Seat
Friday, July 22, 2005
Immigration is becoming one of those big hot button issues again. The so-called Minutemen patrols, organized by a group supported by white supremacists, are still busy keeping up their vigilantly justice crusade along the US-Mexico border.
Right-wing writer and Alan Keyes fan Devvy Kidd was just mad as all get out with me for first posting about the Minutemen and their ties to fascist elements in our society. She wrote in mid-June on a conservative web site:
Currie's statement that the Minutemen Project has "ties to white supremacist groups" has no truth to it whatsoever, but truth isn't the agenda. Since Mr. Currie is so in favor of allowing hordes of terrorists, murderers, rapists and other assorted criminals smuggling themselves across the border, perhaps he'd like to extend an invitation to house a few thousand of them - in the name of Christ, of course!
Despite this type of malicious accusation being thrown around, The Minutemen Project is a huge success and growing by leaps and bounds. The organizers and participants didn't let this side track them and they have fended off these types of false accusations with class.
The only problem is that it is true about their support from white supremacists. What is sick is how some conservatives keep trying to link the issues of immigration and terrorism.
Speaking of which....
Another sign of the anti-immigrant wave is the news Republican congressman Tom Tancredo, once shunned by his own party as a bigot, is now not only backed by the party but even considering a run for president in 2008. He is best known for his support of anti-immigration legislation.
Tancredo recently called for a nuclear attack against Muslim holy sites in the event of a terrorist attack against the United States. He comments have been condemned by interfaith religious leaders but he refuses to apologize.
Oregonian Eric Berg also wrote me with this news today from Interfaith Worker Justice:
Last week immigrant workers gathered to attend mandatory safety training they thought was being held by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
It turned out to be a sting operation by the Homeland Security's Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). (OSHA was unaware of this misuse of its name.)
Forty-eight workers, hired by subcontractors at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base in Goldsboro, North Carolina, were arrested on charges that they were illegal immigrants. At least one person was later released upon proof of citizenship.
Interfaith Worker Justice (IWJ) is outraged by this deception and deeply concerned about the impact of this action on future attempts by OSHA to genuinely address workplace safety issues.
Related Link: The Bible as the Ultimate Immigration Handbook: Written By, For, and About Migrants, Immigrants, Refugees, and Asylum Seekers