Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice Calls on People of Faith to Oppose Roberts Nomination as "Next Step in Effort to Overturn Roe"
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Statement from the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice
The Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice vigorously opposes the elevation of Judge John G. Roberts to the U.S. Supreme Court. This nomination is clearly the next step toward the extreme right-wing’s stated intention to overturn Roe v. Wade and end constitutional protections for women’s health and safety.
The record on Judge Roberts is clear. He has argued that there was “no support in the text, structure, or history of the Constitution” for the reasoning behind Roe and that the historic decision was “wrongly decided and should be overruled.” In the case against the hate group Operation Rescue, he wrote a brief arguing that its violent blockades at women’s clinics were merely an expression of opposition to abortion.
The nomination raises grave concerns for religious freedoms. While a top government lawyer from 1989 to 1993, Roberts wrote a brief urging the Supreme Court to accept the constitutionality of prayer at a public school graduation ceremony. The Court rejected his arguments.
Despite President Bush's assurances there would be no litmus test for the Supreme Court, this nomination meets the “Religious Right’s” requirement that the next Justice oppose Roe v. Wade. Accordingly, this nomination must be regarded as a commitment to reduce and ultimately eliminate the constitutional guarantee that women may make reproductive decisions free of governmental interference and coercion. Those concerned about protections for women’s health and religious freedom must look beyond this nominee’s legal qualifications to his clear hostility to established rights. We urge people of faith to contact their Senators immediately to express their opposition to this nominee.