Lutherans Adopt “Peace Not Walls: Stand for Justice in the Holy Land” Strategy
Saturday, August 13, 2005
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America has joined the World Council of Churches, United Church of Christ, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Anglican Consultative Council and Jewish groups such as Jewish Voice for Peace and B’Tselem in condemning the wall being built by the Israeli government to separate Palestinians and Israelis:
ORLANDO, Fla. (ELCA) -- Voting members of the 2005 Churchwide Assembly of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) urged Lutherans Aug. 13 to participate in a campaign -- "Peace Not Walls: Stand for Justice in the Holy Land" -- designed to build awareness, and engage in accompaniment and advocacy activities for "peace with justice" between Israel and Palestine….
With a 668 to 269 vote the assembly adopted the campaign -- a primary component of the "ELCA Strategy for Engagement in Israel and Palestine" adopted by the ELCA Council this past April. The council is the church's board of directors and legislative authority between churchwide assemblies.
The campaign urges members of the ELCA and its related agencies and institutions to pray for peace with justice between Israel and Palestine and continued witness of the Christian church, including the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land (ELCJHL); build relationships with the ELCJHL and other partners; learn about the situation in the Holy Land; intensify advocacy for peace with justice; "stewarding" financial resources -- both U.S. tax dollars and private funds – in support for a just peace in the Holy Land and the ministries of ELCA companions.
Click here to learn more about the action taken by the Lutherans.
The wall has been condemned by Human Rights Watch and other human rights organizations:
“Israel has a right and duty to protect its civilians from attack, but it must not use means that entail indiscriminate punishment of entire communities,” said Joe Stork, acting executive director of the Middle East and North Africa division of Human Rights Watch. “Israel’s separation barrier seriously impedes Palestinian access to essentials of civilian life, such as work, education and medical care.”
Human Rights Watch….argues that the barrier imposes arbitrary and excessive restrictions on the freedom of movement of tens of thousands of Palestinians and violates Israel’s obligation under the Geneva Conventions to ensure the welfare of the population under occupation.
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is a full communion partner with the United Church of Christ.