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A Sermon / Podcast For World Communion Sunday

Darfur Update

Message from Church World Service

Violence has increased this past month in south and west Darfur, with humanitarian convoys regularly ambushed, civilians robbed, and villagers forced to flee.

In the past two years more than 2 million people in the Darfur region have been uprooted from their homes by militia violence, including the burning of villages. As many as 400,000 people have been killed or have died from hunger or disease. The U.S. Congress and others have named it genocide.

In the recent escalation, Arab militia also attacked a refugee camp, killing more than two dozen people and causing many more to flee into the mountains. African Union peacekeepers were able to restore calm to one area.

CWS partners are helping to provide a vital lifeline to people living in some of the most vulnerable parts of Darfur.

On October 6, the CWS-supported Dear Sudan campaign is supporting in an International Solidarity Fast for Darfur. The fast hopes to involve individuals and communities around the world in order to send a message that the international community recognizes its responsibility to protect the world's populations from humanitarian crises.

For more information about the Solidarity Fast for Sudan, visit For more on the situation in Sudan and CWS response, please visit

Related Post:  Darfur Genocide Continues
