"Cathedral of Hope votes overwhelmingly to join UCC"
United Methodist Leader Joretta Marshall Critical Of UMC Decisions Related To Homosexuality

"Democrats force Senate into unusual closed session"

Democratic leaders forced the United States Senate to move into to an extraordinary closed session this afternoon in an effort to draw attention to the fact that the Republican leadership continues to cover-up the lies and deceits of the White House concerning the reasons we went to war in Iraq.

CNN’s Jack Cafferty – someone I certainly do not always agree with – had this to say about the move:

There's a perception in this country that we were lied to about the run-up to the war in Iraq. Maybe we were and maybe we weren't, but there are a lot of people who think we were. And a half a trillion dollars and 2,000 of our kids later, we're still there. We're mired in a thing that has no visible end.

If it was necessary and if the threats were real, fine and dandy. But if they lied to us, if there was some kind of intent to deceive, then they ought to find out who did it and tear their fingernails out and then get rid of them.

And it's not about being on, you know, one side of the political spectrum or the other. It's about what's right and what's wrong and what people who are entrusted to govern this country do with the power we give them. If it's being abused, we damn well have a right to know, and something should be done about it

Maybe the Republicans in Congress will finally be embarrassed enough to investigate this White House.
