Oregon’s Bethel Congregational United Church of Christ Celebrates 125 Years
Thursday, November 03, 2005
The Rev. David Randall-Bodman, pastor of Bethel Congregational United Church of Christ (a congregation in the Central Pacific Conference of the UCC) , writes today in The Oregonian:
Bethel Congregational United Church of Christ has been an active contributor to the religious fabric of Beaverton for 125 years. On Jan. 4, 1880, three women -- Mrs. C.S. Hamilton, Miss Annie Hamilton and Mrs. E.M. Klink -- met with the Rev. George H. Atkinson, an official with the American Home Missionary Society of Oregon and Washington, to organize the Bethel Congregational Church. In August 1881, the Grange Hall was purchased for $500 (half of which was loaned to Bethel by the American Congregational Union). The church was dedicated Jan. 1, 1882.
We are kicking off a full year of anniversary events with a 125th anniversary worship on Sunday, Nov. 6. The service will include special music by the Whiskey Flats Brass Band, which specializes in band music of the late 19th century. Worship will integrate the early roots and traditions of Bethel's past with the tastes and practices of today….
Informing our approach to Christian community is a theology of grace.
The invitation to see life as a fabulous gift given in abundance (John 10:10).
The essential goodness of Creation (Genesis 1:31).
The centrality of love in our identity and mission (Micah 6:8).
The direct connection between loving God and loving others (Matthew 25:40).
The basic cornerstone of our faith: God loves us no matter what (Romans 8).
This theology of grace has inspired us to articulate a vision for the future, which we believe God is inviting and guiding us to venture.
Click here to read the full piece.
Congratulations to the people of Bethel Congregational UCC!