"A Look Ahead to the Year 2006"
Saturday, December 31, 2005
Religion and Ethics Newsweekly reports:
With the war in Iraq, the death of Pope John Paul II, Hurricane Katrina and changes within the U.S. Supreme Court dominating the news of 2005, what major stories are expected to garner national attention in 2006? WASHINGTON POST columnist E.J. Dionne, Barbara Bradley Hagerty of NATIONAL PUBLIC RADIO, and Kim Lawton, managing editor for RELIGION & ETHICS NEWSWEEKLY, join host Bob Abernethy to discuss their predictions for those topics predicted to make headlines in 2006 including: the implications of the Iraq war on the American political landscape, particularly in regard to the 2006 elections; religious leaders' response to the Bush administration's positions on Iraq and domestic policy; the impact that Judge Alito, if confirmed, will have on the abortion issue and other Supreme Court decisions; the interlocking issues of race and poverty raised by the rebuilding of New Orleans; and the changes in religious leadership within the Protestant community.Click here for the full story.