News today from Catholics for Faithful Citizenship:
Catholic Charities of Boston has recently come under attack by right wing dissidents who object to the appearance of the Mayor of Boston at the group's annual Christmas dinner. The protestors also object to the policy of Catholic Charities that applies to assistance to same sex couples adopting troubled foster children. They of course overlook that Catholic Charities is simply being a good citizen of Massachusetts by following state law that requires them to work with same sex couples. It is clear that the intent of Catholic Charities is to comply with the law rather than to disagree with Church teachings.
In a recent letter to his email list, Republican Catholic surrogate and attack dog, Deal Hudson stated, "It is time to put 'Catholic' beliefs and teachings back into Catholic Charities of Boston." Apparently in RCIA class, Hudson missed the vast section concerning the Catholic beliefs and teachings that are the core of Catholic Charities.
Catholic Charities certainly lives up to the teachings of the Catholic Church by providing basic needs and services to more than 150,000 people each year. These services include food and fuel assistance, which is of greater concern this year than ever before due to the recent immoral budget cuts passed by Hudson's GOP friends in the House of Representatives.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church states that a society that wishes and intends to remain at the service of the human being at every level is a society that has the common good, the good of all people and the whole person as its primary goal.
Hudson and other right wing Catholic dissidents should focus less on their narrow issues and focus more on the common good of all. Catholic Charities of Boston is a living example of the Catholic Social Tradition and their actions this Christmas season will be a beacon of hope for those who are the least among us.
You can read the statement put out by Catholic Charities by clicking here.