John Spencer
Saturday, December 17, 2005
People told me for years that I’d love The West Wing but I couldn’t be bothered with another television show to get sucked into. But it finally happened. Late one night a rerun came on and I was hooked.
My wife would call it more an obsession than being hooked. But what wasn’t to love?
John Spencer, the actor who played the White House chief of staff and this season has been the democratic nominee for vice-president, died last night. He was a fine actor and his portrayal as the calm voice in storm after storm of controversy helped make the show. His character was so central to this season’s story line – the final season – that it is hard to imagine how the show will continue.
That, of course, doesn’t really matter now. I pray for Mr. Spencer and his friends and family at their loss today. I’ll miss seeing him every week.
Related Post: Martin Sheen & Howard Dean