Religious Leaders Condemn Iranian Statements Concerning Holocaust, Israel
Friday, December 16, 2005
Recently the Iranian president has made inconceivable statements denying the Holocaust against the Jews and threatening the very existence of Israel.
The Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism issued a statement this week in reaction:
We condemn this latest onset of radical statements made this week by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in a speech to thousands of people in the Iranian city of Zahedan questioning the reality of the genocide against the Jews in the Holocaust. To once again distort history by suggesting that the Holocaust is merely a "myth" promulgated by the West used to create the state of Israel is to dishonor the memory of the six million Jews who perished in the Holocaust and is a direct threat aimed at the Jewish people. This is more than an insult to the Jewish victims of Nazi genocide; it is a tragic reminder of the hateful lies about Jews that continue to be spread and accepted around the world.
That sentiment was echoed by the National Council of Churches USA:
The National Council of Churches USA condemns the comments of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad calling for the obliteration or relocation of the State of Israel.
The State of Israel has embodied the hopes and dreams of Jews worldwide for decades, especially since the Holocaust that occurred during World War II. President Ahmadinejad's invective that the Holocaust never happened is a sobering reminder of the corrosive power of ignorance, desperation, and hatred.
It is no accident that among the first protests of the Iranian president's statement were those of German leaders, whose parents were witnesses of the horrible reality of the Holocaust. Anti-Semitism's most vociferous manifestation is the "Big Lie" now coming from Tehran.
In opposition to such incomprehensible hatred, all people of faith and good will must stand firm in their rejection of Mr. Ahmadinejad's views. We at the National Council of Churches USA deplore these views.
In the face of Mr. Ahmadinejad's call for the obliteration of Israel, the National Council of Churches USA reaffirms its support for the security of the State of Israel, alongside a viable Palestinian State. We also reaffirm our respect for Judaism and our friendship with the Jewish people.
Iran is a complex country, rich in history, much of its recent history marred by difficult relations with the international community. Most recently these difficulties are over nuclear issues. The Iranian president's comments only serve to threaten Iran itself with further isolation from the world.
Just a few years ago the former president of Iran encouraged the "Dialogue Among Civilizations." By spewing forth hatred for Israel, Judaism and the Jewish people, President Ahmadinejad is ensuring that this dialogue will go on without Iran. How unfortunate this is for the Iranian people, most of whom do not share their president's views.
Click here for more from NCC.
Many Muslim groups have also condemned the Iranian leader's sickening views.