Will Hillary Clinton Get My Vote?
A Faithful State of Union Address

John Kerry Calls For Filibuster Of Alito

This post has been updated

Urgent Action Alert from People for the American Way:

Senator John Kerry has called for a filibuster of the Alito nomination, heeding your calls to do everything possible to defeat it. He has asked that activists now help convince his colleagues to join him.

Please contact key senators who can provide critical support to the filibuster effort!


Then forward this message to anyone you know who is worried that Alito would likely condone the abuse of power by the president, vote to overturn Roe v. Wade, and help curtail Congress' ability to protect the civil rights, health, safety, and welfare of the American people.

We need to act now to prevent Senate Republican leaders from ramming this nomination through the Senate -- time is of the essence.


This will make things interesting.

Update: Senator Kerry has posted a statement on Daily Kos outlining his reasons for undertaking a filibuster (there is also more about this issue on his Senate website).

I'll admit to a certain amount of amazement that Kerry would even undertake such an adventure.  A valid criticism of his Senate tenure is that he has always been so careful as to not take major risks in defense of principles he cares about.  A move like this might remind some of the Vietnam vet who showed such courage and came back to protest the war more than the 2004 democratic presidential nominee.  The real John Kerry just stood up.   

Related Post:  When Will John Kerry Be Brave?

Related Post:  Report From St. Louis On The Debate & Kerry Rally
