This weekend we made our way down to the Bay Area to visit Liz’s family. It was a great chance to show off the twins to their grandparents, aunts, uncles and assorted cousins on the Smith side of the family. Unfortunately, a short visit like this didn’t afford us the opportunity to spend time with our many friends in the area. The occasion for this mini-vacation was the 40th birthdays of Sarah and Paul, Liz’s sister and brother-in-law. Carolyn, Liz’s step-mother, also arranged a tour for me of the Pacific School of Religion (a UCC affiliated seminary connected with the Graduate Theological Union) and First Congregational United Church of Christ of Berkeley. PSR has an excellent reputation as a first rate theological school and a hope of mine is to partake in some of their continuing education programs in the years to come. Make sure you check out their new Progressive Christian Witness web site. Photos of the trip will be available shortly on our family web site but I’d thought on this blog I’d post two from PSR (including one of their chapel) and one from First Congregational UCC (note the good looking God Is Still Speaking banner – new commercials from the UCC using that theme are on the way).