South Carolina Church Seeks Membership In United Church Of Christ
"As Senate picks up immigration reform, press for sensible, not punitive, measures"

Freedom the Cat: 1988-2006


We had planned on going to a reception and dinner tonight for the participants in Pacific University's Tom McCall forum and then on to Erik Sten's campaign kick-off. 

Sadly, our 18 year old cat Freedom had to be put down this afternoon. 

The above photo was taken about four years ago.  Freedom had been sick for several months and took a turn for the worse over the last few days.  He was named in honor of Nelson Mandela

He was a good friend to me for a long, long time and even tolerated being dragged around by my daughters.  Freedom outlived his cat friends Libby and Erik Brockley and is survived by Coco, his mortal cat enemy.  The picture below of Freedom and Hugo was taken just two nights ago.  Since Libby and Erik had passed on Freedom was forced to become friends with our dogs.

We're going to miss Freedom very much.


Related Post:  Fat Cat
