The 2007 Bush Budget: Leaving Children Behind
Monday, February 20, 2006
This is the third post in an on-going series looking at the president's 2007 budget proposal now under consideration by Congress.
We last looked at how the president plans to cut food assistance for nearly half a million senior citizens.
The president's budget will also negatively impact children across America. The Children's Defense Fund reports:
Four hundred thousand fewer children will receive child care assistance in 2011 than in 2005, if President Bush's Budget proposal for child care is accepted.
An estimated 19,000 children could be dropped from Head Start as a result of a funding freeze proposed by President Bush in his 2007 Budget.
Millions of children could be deprived of the health and mental health treatment they need as a result of the Medicaid cuts passed by Congress in the 2006 Budget just last (month), and now children are being asked to sacrifice even further. The resident's 2007 Budget recommends additional legislative and regulatory changes that will reduce funding in Medicaid and CHIP by $13.5 billion in five ears and increase pressure on states to reduce health care for children.
Children, including abused and neglected children, along with seniors and persons with disabilities, will all be hurt by the 30 percent cut in the Social Services Block Grant in the President's 2007 Budget. $500 million would be cut from the $1.7 billion program.
That's just the start.
Click here to download the Children's Defense Fund's analysis of the president's budget proposal.