"2006 Spring Storms and Tornadoes"
Monday, March 20, 2006
Request from Church World Service:
Appeal Number: 6286
Appeal Amount: $30,000
Situation Report
Severe weather the weekend of March 11-12 and continuing through Monday March 13 spawned several tornados and flooding affecting parts of Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas. At least 10 people were killed in Missouri and dozens more were injured.
Worst hit: the state of Missouri, for which President Bush issued a federal disaster declaration. In all, 396 homes were destroyed, 896 damaged and 450 affected.
Most heavily impacted counties: Johnson - 30 homes destroyed, 50 damaged; Monroe - 37 destroyed, 110 damaged; Christian - 127 destroyed, 128 damaged; Lawrence - 25 destroyed, 48 damaged.
Meanwhile, in northeastern Oklahoma, a total of 67 homes were damaged in the communities of Twin Oaks and Colcord. Of those, 36 were destroyed. The number of businesses that sustained damage has increased to five. Numerous outbuildings were damaged and destroyed, fencing is down in many areas and cattle and other livestock are missing.
Emergency Appeal
Church World Service (CWS) expects to deploy one of its Disaster Response and Recovery Liaisons (DRRLs) to Missouri. DRRL Tom Davis is monitoring the situation and is contact with state and local faith leaders.
CWS does not expect to deploy a staff person to Oklahoma, though Oklahoma-based DRRL Lura Cayton is monitoring and in contact with state and faith leaders.
This appeal is for anticipated support of long-term recovery groups in affected areas, particularly Missouri. It is also, as noted, an initial appeal and may be expanded through the spring season as further tornadoes and storms occur.
Contributions to support this emergency appeal may be sent to your denomination or to Church World Service, P.O. Box 968, Elkhart, IN, 46515. Please designate: 2006 SPRING STORMS #6286
For further information about disasters to which Church World Service is responding -- or to make a credit card contribution -- please visit the Church World Service Website at www.churchworldservice.org or phone (800) 297-1516.