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Alabama Students Arrested In Church Fires That Conservatives Blamed On Gays, Liberals

Good news tonight from Alabama:  authorities have arrested three college students for the series of arsons that struck rural churches there.  Because the churches were all Baptist (though not all Southern Baptist) some conservatives (including a few that e-mailed me) wildly speculated that gays and / or political liberals might have been behind the attacks (MSNBC's conservative commentator Chris Matthews helped spread those vicious accusations).  Governor Bob Riley said today, however, that the fires did not appear to be "any type of conspiracy against organized religion."  In fact, the Alabama college students behind the fires maintain their acts were some sort of prank that got out of hand.  Whatever the reason their attacks caused terrible damage to the church families impacted and resulted in bigoted speculation by some conservatives against entire groups of people.  We should pray for healing for all involved.       

Related Post:  "John Thomas calls for prayer for burned Alabama churches"

Related Post:  Alabama Church Fires
