"Bush Budget Leaves No Millionaire Behind as He Proposes Massive Cuts To Programs for Homeless and Low-Income People"
Thursday, March 09, 2006
...just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me. - Matthew 25:40 (NRSV)
If you listen to the budget spin coming out of the White House you would think that President Bush is a champion of programs designed to lift people out of homelessness.
But the facts don't support the spin. The president's budget proposals will in fact leave more people homeless in America - at the same time tax cuts are given to the richest Americans.
The National Coalition for the Homeless reports:
On February 6th, 2006, President Bush sent his proposed $2.77 trillion FY2007 budget to Congress. His proposals would cut $600 million from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), a 1.8% decrease from the FY06 appropriations; and funding for Health and Human Services (HHS) discretionary programs would decline by $1.6 billion.
While the President's proposed budget does increase funding in some areas, the Homeless Assistance Grants increased by $209 million and Housing for People with AIDS (HOPWA) saw a $14 million increase, it makes these increases by making reductions in other programs for low-income people, not by finding new resources.
HUD programs that are taking the largest reductions include the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), which would loose $736 million in funding, which is a 20% decrease over FY 2006. Section 202, housing for the elderly, takes a 26% decrease in funding ($190 million) and Section 811, housing for people with disabilities, takes a 50% cut of $118 million. These two program cuts would significantly reduce housing assistance for some of our country's most vulnerable populations, including families, seniors and people with disabilities.
The Department of Health and Human Services Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) is being eliminated. The Grants for the Benefits of Homeless Individuals (GBHI) lost $5 million in funding, the Mental Health Performance Partnership saw $1 million in lost funding and the PATH program saw no increase for FY 2007.
Sojourners Magazine now has a link available for those who want to write their member of Congress a note expressing opposition to the Bush budget proposals. Please take the time to do so.
Related Post: "President's New Budget Morally Bankrupt"
Related Post: The 2007 Bush Budget: Leaving Children Behind
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