John McCain Gets Into Bed With Jerry Falwell
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Pastor Dan noted over at Street Prophets today that US Senator John McCain, a leading presidential contender in 2008, will be giving the commencement address this May at Jerry Falwell’s Liberty University.
One of the reasons that I’ve long admired McCain, despite the many policy differences I have with him, is that during his failed 2000 run for president he blasted Falwell and Pat Robertson and stated that the Religious Right had undue influence over the Republican Party.
Now McCain feels he needs the Religious Right in his corner come 2008. How pathetic.
If McCain will climb into bed with Falwell for a little love fest at Liberty you can bet he will climb into bed with anyone. With one move McCain has signaled that he is just another typical politician willing to say or do anything to get elected.
I hope the voters remember.