Jubilee Grassroots Conference: May 19-20 in Portland, Oregon
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Notice from Jubilee USA Network
Join Jubilee folks from around the country for our first annual Jubilee Grassroots Conference in Portland, Oregon - May 19-20th!
You are invited to join Jubilee Oregon Network and the Jubilee USA Network Friday and Saturday, May 19-20, 2006, for our first annual grassroots conference and skills training! You will deepen your knowledge of the debt issue, have the opportunity to network with Jubilee supporters from around the country, and strengthen your skills needed to work for debt cancellation and economic justice for the world’s impoverished countries. We will be inspired by speakers from the Global South, have “how to” workshops on grassroots media, fundraising, advocacy and develop strategies together around the 2007 Sabbath year.
Examples of workshop topics include:
Spiritual Roots of Jubilee and Jubilee Congregations
Lobbying Congress from the Grassroots: Strategies to get your Representative to Support the Jubilee Act
Debt and Trade: How to link with labor movements
The event will be held at First Unitarian Church located at 1101 SW 12th Ave in Portland, Oregon. Home stays are available on a first come first served basis so register early! The Mark Spencer Hotel (www.markspencer.com) is available for $89-$119 based on two-person occupancy. Each additional person is $10 per night. All rooms have kitchens.
The conference cost is $35 and includes 3 meals: Friday lunch and dinner, Saturday lunch and a celebration Saturday evening. Please send the registration form and your check for $35 to: Jubilee USA Network 222 East Capitol NE Washington DC, 20003.
Travel and Registration scholarships are available for those would not be able to attend the conference without financial assistance. The deadline for the scholarship application is April 15. The application can be found here and sent to [email protected].
Jubilee Oregon members will help with homestays & hotel info where needed.
Conference Materials:
Flyer for use in outreach to grassroots Jubilee supporters
Conference schedule and workshop topics (tentative)
Registration form
Scholarship application
Please plan to join us! For more information, contact Diane at [email protected] or Nancy Yuill of Jubilee Network Oregon at [email protected].
Related Post: Micah 6:1-8: A Sermon For Jubilee Sunday