In The Portland Tribune
Alabama Students Arrested In Church Fires That Conservatives Blamed On Gays, Liberals

"Mexico: Rape Victims Denied Legal Abortion"

Human Rights Watch has a new report out concerning the difficulties faced by rape victims in Mexico who seek to obtain an abortion:

Mexican officials actively prevent rape victims from gaining access to legal and safe abortion, and they fail to punish rape and sexual violence inside and outside the family, said Human Rights Watch in a report released today.

The 92-page report, "The Second Assault: Obstructing Access to Legal Abortion after Rape in Mexico," details the disrespect, suspicion and apathy that pregnant rape victims encounter from public prosecutors and health workers. The report also exposes continuing and pervasive impunity for rape and other forms of sexual violence in states throughout Mexico. 

"Pregnant rape victims are essentially assaulted twice," said Kenneth Roth, executive director of Human Rights Watch. "First by the perpetrators who raped them, and then by officials who ignore them, insult them and deny them a legal abortion." 

In Mexico, abortion in general is illegal, but rape victims have the legal right to a safe abortion under all state criminal codes. However, women and girls who approach the authorities to exercise this right face multiple obstacles, Human Rights Watch found.

Unfortunately, South Dakota - which just passed a law banning abortions even in the case of rape or incest - is trying to make Mexico's policies look progressive.

Related Post:  Can Christians Be Pro-Choice? Yes.
