Statement from the World Council of Churches
The vivid diversity of the ecumenical movement has been highlighted in new research, published by the World Council of Churches (WCC) this month, that confirms the continued growth of the fellowship of churches.
A product of the research, A Handbook of Churches and Councils: Profiles of Ecumenical Relationships provides the first comprehensive overview of the state of the world’s ecumenical organizations, the main global Christian bodies and their member churches.
The result of intensive consultation with churches in all regions, the book contains articles and data on virtually all the major ecclesial traditions and groupings of churches that exist within Christianity, as well as a detailed analysis of regional and national councils and fellowships of churches. Along with a presentation of more than 150 Christian bodies and councils of churches, the book provides statistical information and a brief history and description of each of the 348 member churches which form the WCC. Included also are lists of member churches of all Christian world communions, regional ecumenical organizations, national councils of churches, and other regional and sub-regional church bodies.
Among the major findings of the project is that WCC member churches now span over 520,000 parishes and local congregations in 150 countries, are served by upwards of 490,000 clergy, and encompass as many as 590 million faithful worldwide.
According to Hubert van Beek, a specialist on Christian trends and former programme executive for ecumenical relations at the WCC, the project provides the reader with "a concise overview of the main ecclesial traditions that make up contemporary Christianity". More than a record, however, the book also offers a solid basis for reflection about the state of the world’s churches and the future of the ecumenical movement in the 21st century, he emphasizes. "The Handbook demonstrates concretely the outreach of the ecumenical movement and serves to remind us that its ownership rests not only with WCC but with all the partners, and ultimately with God."
The Handbook of Churches and Councils: Profiles of Ecumenical Relationships is published in English only, and can be ordered online from WCC Publications.
February 2006, 638pp.
ISBN 2-8254-1480-8 Price: Sfr.55.00, US$43.00, £24.00, €36.50
More information is available on the WCC Publications web page: