Roman Catholic House Democrats Support Constitutional Democracy Over Papal Authority
All They Have Are Lies

This Sunday On Air America's State of Belief

Air America fans can hear me this Sunday on State of Belief.  I'll be offering the commentary for this week's program

Also on the show this Sunday:  Al Franken

I'm hoping my appearance on the same program will boost the popularity of this little known comedian / talk show host.

State of Belief airs Sundays from 5-6 Eastern (that is 2-3 here on the left coast).

Where can you listen?

On your radio - click here for a list of Air America stations.  (Schedules may vary between stations - contact Air America or your local affiliate.)

On your XM satellite radio.

On your computer - click here to listen live, Sundays at 5PM Eastern.  And check the State of Belief website on Mondays to hear and download the latest show.

On your iPod - podcast State of Belief from your iTunes music store.

Tune in and let me know what you think. 
