Saturday, April 22 is Earth Day. This Sunday congregations across the nation will mark the occasion with special worship services and prayers. We are the stewards of God's gift of creation. The National Council of Churches USA reports:
Earth Day Sunday is being celebrated across the nation in more than two thousand congregations this weekend. Nearly 2,500 worship resource materials, entitled Through the Eye of a Hurricane: Rebuilding Just Communities, were downloaded or mailed by the Eco-Justice Program of the National Council of Churches USA. [] "While the 2006 [Earth Day Sunday] resource describes the devastation of the Gulf Coast region in particular, the issues raised of environmental justice and racism, toxics, and consumer lifestyles poses a challenge to people of faith around the world," says the resource. "It is critical that we do all that we can to keep the victims and survivors of the hurricanes in the hearts and minds of Americans and others around the world," said Cassandra Carmichael, NCC Director of Eco-Justice Programs. Congregations were encouraged to use this resource to re-energize ongoing hurricane relief efforts by planning a special worship service, study groups, a day of action, a fund drive for hurricane survivors or any event that resonates with congregants and the church's mission. Typically congregations have observed Earth Day on the Sunday closest to April 22.
Click here for more.
For examples on how congregations can get involved with this issue on a local level checkout the website of the Oregon Interfaith Network for Earth Concerns.
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