Toddlers For Erik Sten
The New York Times, The United Church Of Christ, & The Institute on Religion and Democracy

Follow Up: The UCC Off The Air In Many Places

Some follow-up on the decision yesterday by NBC’s cable affiliates and Viacom’s stations not to air the United Church of Christ’s new television commercial:

First, Accessible Airways has a new link up where you can send a message to Viacom asking that they change their tune and air the spot.

The Viacom decision means the commercial will not air on Spanish language stations.

Pastor Dan also has a good post on Street Prophets with his thoughts about the controversy.

Finally, Frederick Clarkson wrote today about how the Republican Party aligned-Institute on Religion and Democracy is trying to spin this story in right-wing publications.

Related Post: The Marriage Of David Horowitz And The Institute on Religion and Democracy
