Roman Catholics To Pope: Condoms Save Lives
"Episcopal Newspaper Exposes Rightwing Agencies"

How Will You Spend A Sunny Northwest Friday?

Ucc137rb_2I’ll be in Vancouver, Washington (just over the Columbia River from Portland) for the annual meeting of the Central Pacific Conference of the United Church of Christ. Our mission for the weekend: discern where God is leading our congregations over the next year. We’ll talk about the boring but necessary (finances) and prophetic (a resolution calling for debt relief for “third-world” nations) and mixed-in with the weekend will be workshops (“God Is Still Speaking But Can Anyone Hear You?”) and worship. My only real responsibility during the next three days: to help serve communion during the Saturday evening worship service. Actually, I’m looking forward to serving as a delegate from Portland’s First Congregational UCC and getting know more people from across our conference. Note: I won’t have internet access until getting back home each night and that will mean delays in returning e-mails or approving comments.
