How Will You Spend A Sunny Northwest Friday?
Friday, April 28, 2006
I’ll be in Vancouver, Washington (just over the Columbia River from Portland) for the annual meeting of the Central Pacific Conference of the United Church of Christ. Our mission for the weekend: discern where God is leading our congregations over the next year. We’ll talk about the boring but necessary (finances) and prophetic (a resolution calling for debt relief for “third-world” nations) and mixed-in with the weekend will be workshops (“God Is Still Speaking But Can Anyone Hear You?”) and worship. My only real responsibility during the next three days: to help serve communion during the Saturday evening worship service. Actually, I’m looking forward to serving as a delegate from Portland’s First Congregational UCC and getting know more people from across our conference. Note: I won’t have internet access until getting back home each night and that will mean delays in returning e-mails or approving comments.