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"Immigration Showdown This Week in Senate"

Action Alert from the United Church of Christ Justice & Witness Ministries

This week the Senate is considering amendments to proposed immigration reform bills. The Senate will either pass a bill that addresses the real needs of this nation's 12 million undocumented immigrants or will follow the punitive enforcement-only approach proposed by Senator Frist. This approach includes criminalizing immigrants and service providers, militarizing the U.S./Mexico border, and closing off avenues to citizenship for hard-working, undocumented immigrants. The alternative, the Senate Judiciary Committee’s bill, establishes a path to citizenship for immigrants and authorizes a guest worker program that allows undocumented immigrants to work in this country without fear, while building up credit toward eventual citizenship. It does not include provisions criminalizing migrants or service providers. Send a message to your senators supporting the Senate Judiciary Committee’s more humane bill.

Related Post:  Senate Judiciary Committee Bill On Immigration Far Better Than House Bill

Related Post:  Religious Leaders Speak Out On Immigration
