Tom DeLay, the Anti-Christian Values Republican Leader, Will Resign
Monday, April 03, 2006
TIME is reporting tonight that Tom Delay, the indicted former Republican House Majority Leader, will resign from Congress and end his re-election bid.
Glad to hear it. The man is corrupt and has no business in public life.
Despite his clearly unethical behavior DeLay told TIME that his problems were all caused by the "left" and said that the "war on Christianity" was a major reason for his downfall. From TIME:
DeLay, a Baptist born in the border city of Laredo, said he "spent a lot of time" praying about his decision and that his personal relationship with Jesus drives his day-to-day actions. "My faith is who I am," he said. When DeLay was booked on the Texas charges, he wore his Congressional I.D. pin and flashed a broad smile designed to thwart Democrats who had hoped to make wide use of an image of a glowering DeLay. "I said a little prayer before I actually did the fingerprint thing, and the picture," he said. "My prayer was basically: 'Let people see Christ through me. And let me smile.' Now, when they took the shot, from my side, I thought it was fakiest smile I'd ever given. But through the camera, it was glowing. I mean, it had the right impact. Poor old left couldn't use it at all."
Recently, he said, he has been hearing from many people who want his help on projects outside Congress. He said his decision was cemented by the thunderous response at a conference in Washington last Wednesday decrying the "War on Christianity."
DeLay is as delusional as he is corrupt.
He tells TIME that he will now concentrate as a private citizen to foster "a closer connection between religion and government."
The "War on Christianity" is, of course, a made-up fund raising tool to line the coffers of the Religious Right and their political allies. There is no war on Christianity in America. DeLay, like many of his ilk, confuses his own political agenda with the Gospel.
If anyone has waged war against the Christian faith it is DeLay himself.
His record in Congress has been one of supporting economic policies that benefit the wealthy at the expense of the "least of these," advocating for the death penalty, and supporting military campaigns over efforts to foster peace. Throughout his tenure in public service he has put his own financial advancement ahead of the common good and used corrupt means to acquire personal wealth.
DeLay wants people to see Christ through him. All I see is a sinner who has used evil as a tool to obtain and wield power for himself and those who oppose everything I understand the Gospel to be about.
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