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Ann Coulter's Rants Harm America

A few weeks ago during a Seattle radio interview I called Ann Coulter “nuts.” One caller said my words were unchristian but another blogger wrote to say calling her a “nut” was an act of Christian charity. Her interview this past week where she charged that 9/11 widows had enjoyed their husband’s deaths proved my point. Coulter is a dangerous woman who will do and say anything to divide Americans along political, religious and racial lines for political gain. She is a warrior for the most extreme elements of the far right in America. The art of politics ought to be about bringing Americans together to face difficult issues that have the potential to harm the health of the nation and the world. Is Coulter a Christian? I do not know what religious affiliation if any she claims. But her words and actions are unchristian and I hope that those in the Religious Right and those in the Republican Party disown her message and that the media stop covering her nutty rants. For our democracy to thrive our discourse needs to reject the hate-speech of Ann Coulter and embrace those voices who seek with intention to reconcile our people.
