Action Alert from Church World Service
Your help is urgently needed. Comprehensive Immigration Reform opponents are deluging the House and Senate with calls in favor of HR 4437, an enforcement only bill that seeks to criminalize undocumented immigrants and anyone who assists them. The Senate has passed a bill, S 2611, that begins to humanely address the needs of the 12 million undocumented persons, who are connected to over 50 million American families. The two bills will soon be “conferenced” and brought together into one bill for approval by both the House and the Senate.
Action Needed:
Be a part of the national call in day! Please call Capitol operator at 202 224-3121 on Monday, June 19, and ask for your Congressperson. For talking points and more info, visit the CWS Speak Out website.
Related Post: "The Gospel vs. H.R. 4437"