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National Hunger Awareness Day

Reprinted from the National Council of Churches

When you sit down to dinner tonight, imagine what it would be like if you didn't know when or where you will eat your next meal. This is the daily experience of 38 million Americans. More than 25 million Americans—including nearly 9 million children and 3 million seniors—receive emergency food assistance each year from the America’s Second Harvest, The Nation’s Food Bank Network of charitable agencies, representing an 8 percent increase since 2001. National Hunger Awareness Day is the grassroots movement to raise awareness about the solvable problem of hunger in America. Ending hunger in America is the goal of National Hunger Awareness Day on June 6. The cause has united disparate former presidential candidates Bob Dole and George McGovern. Download a bulletin insert to help your congregation learn more here. Please help us bring an end to hunger in America. Learn how here.
