Kill A Muslim For Christ Or Get Left Behind?
"Former Navy General Counsel Alberto Mora and U.S. Representative John Murtha Honored with the 2006 JFK Profile in Courage Award"

Pentecost 2006: Building a Covenant for a New America!

Call To Renewal, the Christian anti-poverty organizing group founded by Jim Wallis, will be having their annual meeting from June 26-28 in Washington, DC.

Join Rev. Jim Wallis and hundreds of grassroots and faith-based anti-poverty leaders for three days of putting faith into action through workshops, Hill visits, inspiring speeches, and music, with the goal of building the political will to overcome poverty! Invited speakers at Pentecost 2006 include Sen. Barack Obama and confirmed speakers include Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, Marian Wright Edelman, and Rev. Sharon Watkins.

The moral imperative for overcoming poverty calls us to move beyond empty promises and lack of will - beyond the politics of blame to a politics of solutions. It is time for all leaders to move from sound bites to sound vision; from debates to dialogue; from rhetoric to results. Overcoming poverty must become a nonpartisan agenda and a bipartisan cause. It's time to build a Covenant for a New America.

Join hundreds of church leaders, lay leaders, social service providers, and activists young and old for three days of putting faith into action to build the movement to overcome poverty in the U.S. and throughout the world.

I'm unfortunately not able to attend but have gone to a couple of Call to Renewal events in the past.  Go if you're able.  It looks like a great program this year. 
