Preaching In Portland This Sunday
A Message on the 49th Anniversary of the United Church of Christ, June 25, 2006

Rosie Sizer A Great Choice For Portland

062206_sizer_press_conference_046_for_wePortland Mayor Tom Potter named Rosie Sizer as Portland’s new police chief this week. Worldwide Pablo notes that the local blogosphere has reacted with notable silence. My take on the choice: Mayor Potter hit a home run. Chief Sizer is someone that I’ve had the opportunity to meet on numerous occasions and while I haven’t always agreed with her take on the issues (such as her defense of drug-free zones) there is no question that she is an open minded leader with a strong commitment to the city. Here’s a little known fact that I haven’t heard anyone mention: when she and former Multnomah County Sheriff Dan Nolle married the ceremony was held at Sisters of the Road Café. You can’t get more symbolic than that. Our city will be well served with Rosie Sizer at the helm of the police bureau.
